Havurot (Micro-Communities)
*Please note: currently all havurah meetings take place online.
Gesher shel Kolot
Gesher Shel Kolot (Bridge of Voices) is a gathering for folks who love to sing! Bring your benchers and Rise Up Singing, and we'll sing together, learn sacred and secular songs, enjoy each other's company, and bid farewell to Shabbat. Everyone is invited to call out a page number of a favorite song so that we can all jump in, or lead/teach a new song. We are also looking for folks to plan a short drash or lead Havdalah; let us know if you are interested! Instruments to accompany the singing are also encouraged. Please bring a snack to share. Email [email protected] for the location, as we meet at different homes each month. |
LGBTQ Havurah
Kol Tzedek’s LGBTQ Havurah is a space for queer Jews to gather for conversation, celebration, and community-building. The group meets regularly at the homes of members and also participates in special Jewish- and/or LGBTQ-oriented events in the city. While all of Kol Tzedek is a safe space for LGBTQ folks, this group facilitates greater connections among members of the community who are queer identified. To learn more about this group, email [email protected]. |
People of Color (POC) Havurah
The Kol Tzedek POC Havurah is a space open to all in our community that identify as people of color, including indigenous, Sefardi, and Mizrahi people, regardless of Jewish familiarity and background. Our purpose is to create spiritual, pluralistic Jewish space that explores Jewish ritual and belief from our perspectives and experiences. We are excited to learn the ways our people have studied Torah and marked sacred time across the diaspora. If you're interested in learning more, please contact May at [email protected]. |
50+ Havurah
The Kol Tzedek 50+ Havurah organizes events and dinners at Kol Tzedek and members' homes to connect our 50+ population. To learn more about this group, email Carol Daniels and Sarah Freeman at [email protected]. |
Interfaith Families Havurah
Kol Tzedek's Interfaith Families Havurah meets regularly for Friday night potluck dinners at the homes of members. Sometimes the gatherings involve a focused conversation on a particular topic; other times, the group simply enjoys catching up, meeting new people, and letting any children present run around and play together. To learn more about this group, email [email protected].
Kol Tzedek's Interfaith Families Havurah meets regularly for Friday night potluck dinners at the homes of members. Sometimes the gatherings involve a focused conversation on a particular topic; other times, the group simply enjoys catching up, meeting new people, and letting any children present run around and play together. To learn more about this group, email [email protected].