Kol Tzedek strives to be a Voice for Justice in West Philly and beyond.
Kol Tzedek offers weekly participatory Shabbat services, intergenerational holiday celebrations, a vibrant Torah school and ongoing classes for adults. We are a spiritually alive and politically brave Jewish community at the forefront of progressive Judaism.
It is our first priority that money not be a barrier to or a barometer of membership status at Kol Tzedek. Therefore we use a Sustaining Shares Model to determine membership contributions. The current cost per household is more than $2000, so the sustaining share for 5785 is $180/month or $2,160/year.
If you are able to pay $180/month or $2,160/year or more, please do so. Giving more makes it possible for other members to pay less, which allows us to sustain an economically diverse community. Collectively sustaining KT at all times ensures it will be here for us always.
If you can't afford the full sustaining share amount, please come as close as you can, and know that your contribution is critical to our community and is as appreciated and valued as the contributions of those who are able to give more.
It is our first priority that money not be a barrier to or a barometer of membership status at Kol Tzedek. Therefore we use a Sustaining Shares Model to determine membership contributions. The current cost per household is more than $2000, so the sustaining share for 5785 is $180/month or $2,160/year.
If you are able to pay $180/month or $2,160/year or more, please do so. Giving more makes it possible for other members to pay less, which allows us to sustain an economically diverse community. Collectively sustaining KT at all times ensures it will be here for us always.
If you can't afford the full sustaining share amount, please come as close as you can, and know that your contribution is critical to our community and is as appreciated and valued as the contributions of those who are able to give more.
Becoming a member was about moving from being an outside observer to a community builder... Being a member means that I get to help make decisions about the future of the shul and contribute to behind-thescenes work that makes everything happen.
There are many things I love about KT, but by far the best is having a place that replenishes my heart and soul from the day to day work of being human in this world at this moment.
From the first moment of walking in to KT, it has been the primary source of me finding community and feeling that Philadelphia is my home. It seemed right to become a dues paying member to support KT efforts to nurture ourselves as we also work toward a more justice-filled world.
When I am sitting in our community spaces I feel deeply rooted to my ancestors and to our present world. It's a sense of belonging and nourishment that goes deep into my bones and touches a primal need for connecting our hearts through song and prayer.