I have been spending the last few days resting, remembering especially powerful moments of connection and lingering in the open-hearted high of it all. Thank you for your trust and your presence, and for sharing with me so many amazing Kol Tzedek traditions. I am so grateful and lucky to be your rabbi.
I came home on Wednesday evening and couldn't stop singing high holiday songs. And then I woke up Thursday morning and started building my sukkah. Now the tradition says that we are supposed to place the first nail right after Neilah - Close enough. Point is, we are barely meant to skip a beat. Sukkot is a time to harvest the joy, the insights, and the new potential friendships that we cultivated during the High Holidays. I hope you all continue to linger in the magic of Yom Kippur, and step into the joy of Sukkot with Kol Tzedek. With deep gratitude to Rory Schonning and Emily Silver, who coordinated the purchase of our new enlarged sukkah and the amazing line up ofSukkot events. From singing to social justice, mediation, board games and a farm festival - not to mention potlucks abound. I hope you plan to fill your week with Kol Tzedek! If you met someone at High Holidays, consider inviting them to be your buddy at an event. Sukkot is about hospitality, sharing meals and getting even more comfortable being vulnerable together. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Ari Lev Comments are closed.
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